Below are links to many options for Training Videos. We suggest using your RLC email address and password to create accounts where necessary so you will always know your login for future trainings. Reminder, certificates must be presented to Andrea Napier the next working day for credit.
(Videos links updated 2.2022.)
Compassion Fatigue Video
Presented to RLC teachers by Lindsay Kusy from Cummins Behavioral Health Systems, Inc.
Organization –Southside Special Services of Marion County
Access Code- 46227At the end of the video you will need to complete proof of training and provide Andrea Napier with a copy for your personnel file.
Diabetes Training
Log in Moodle
Go to My Courses
School Nurse
Online courses
*Diabetes training Program for Volunteer Health Aide -
G-Tube Training
Watch this video if you are interested in becoming trained to see a demonstration of the different ways of G-tube feeding. Once you have watched the video, you are ready to do an in-person skills demonstration, practice, and a skills check off to become certified. Contact Nurse Beth if you would like to complete the skills session to be considered fully G-tube feeding trained.
Seizure Training
Complete the following seizure module:
*Seizure Training for School Personnel (On Demand) – v3.0
Paraeducator Role: Instructional Support for Learners with Significant Disabilities
Reading powerpoint/slides. 30 minute credit. Email Andrea when completed.
Paraeducator_Role_Instructional_Support_for_Learners_with_Significant_Disabilities-Sarathy.pdf 1.04 MB (Last Modified on September 5, 2023)